In Poland, there is a belief that firearms are something inaccessible, elitist and difficult to obtain. We mean modern firearms, handguns, rifles, shotguns and the like.
To begin with, this is not true. We described it in the article on how to get a firearms license in Poland. Every healthy person can have such a weapon six months and PLN 2,500 later from the start of the procedures. We are talking about real popular Glocks, Kalashnikovs or Berettas. Not only about typical sports weapons in the form .22 single shot carbines or Olympic type target pistols.

A revolver for everyone!
If you want to start your adventure with shooting at a relatively low cost and without excessive paperwork, the answer to your desires are permitless black powder guns. We are not talking about muskets from the Civil War or 17th-century cannons, although they also fall into this category.
We are talking about the so-called black powder revolvers. This means that the gunpowder, bullet and primer/cap are charged separately to the revolver’s ammunition cylinder. Such a revolver can be purchased in the appropriate store only with an ID card. As well as any gun loaded the same way.
Black powder gun laws
Polskie prawo dotyczące broni czarnoprochowej, a konkretnie Ustawa o Broni i Amunicji, jasno mówi, że broń wyprodukowana przed 1850 rokiem i jej współcześnie produkowane repliki nie mieszczą się w definicji broni palnej.
The conclusion is simple – possession of black powder weapons does not require any type of permit, and the purchase is simple and pleasant (also via the Internet). The only limitation in black powder pistol laws is the obligation to shoot it only at the shooting range. The only limitation in black powder pistol laws is the obligation to shoot it only at the shooting range. You must also remember that in order to legally buy black powder for such weapons in Poland, you must register your revolver and obtain the so-called European Weapon Card. So do black powder guns need to be registered? No but yes.

What gun to choose?
Now you are probably wondering what is the best choice for a newbie. The most popular black powder revolver is the Remington 1858. It is produced by the Pietta and Uberti brands. The former is considered a bit lesser quality but cheaper, while the latter is the other way around.
Both of these companies offer a wide range of black powder weapons. Single or multi-barrel Derringer pistols, rifles or even double barrel shotguns. So the world of black powder guns doesn’t stop with the revolvers themselves – they are the most practical and the most fun, though.
What accessories to get?
The revolver itself is not everything, you will also need a number of accessories for its operation and shooting. . In addition to ammunition, in the form of lead balls or bullets of the appropriate caliber, gunpowder, wads and percussion caps, of course.
Some revolvers, including the aforementioned Remington, have a lever for loading the weapon without removing the cylinder. However, this is a cumbersome process. There are special table chargers that make it more convenient and faster.
In addition, it is worth getting an empty shell casing from the 9x19mm cartridge, which, when filled to the full, measures the perfect dose of black powder for recreational shooting. It can also be mounted on a homemade handle to make your work easier. However, if you prefer to choose your own amount of gunpowder, you will need a precise scale and small containers to store the dose.

Black powder cleaning
We have already written about cleaning weapons in another article, so here we will only mention what will be needed, and how to clean weapons can be found under this link.
A set of brushes, nylon and brass, will definitely come in handy. You will also need a cleaning rod with brushes of the same materials to clean the cylinder and barrel. Pipe cleaners can be used for cleaning too.
When it comes to chemical agents, you should have a weapon penetrator that dissolves carbon and lead deposits. A cleaner (for example for brakes) that will dissolve the old oil and rinse it off together with dirt. Finally, oil, any engine oil will do. In addition, an old T-shirt that can be used as a rag.

Buy it, shoot it, clean it!
That’s it! Now you can go to the appropriate store, look at the available models, choose what you like the most, choose accessories, equip yourself with ammunition and cleaning supplies. As we mentioned, in order to start the adventure with shooting, you do not have to spend your life savings right away, you do not need any permits or permits, you do not need to keep them in a safe, there is no obligation to register them. Easy, fast and fun.
If you like it, here you can find out how to get a permit for “real” guns. Good luck!