Real guns, loud bangs, flying shell casings, adrenaline, excitement – doesn’t sound like a safe combo, does it? At first glance, that may be right. But when asked – any employee of any facility in the world will say that safety at the shooting range is an absolute priority. It is at the top of the importance ladder, above customer satisfaction, instructor comfort, and company profit.
In this text, we will discuss the safety rules at the shooting range, ways to increase it and preventive protection. Everything on the example of Cracow Shooting Academy.

Safety rules and regulations on the shooting range
Everyone who has contact with a gun should know the four basic rules of safe use. They are hidden under the acronym W.B.E.T. – Weapon, Barrel, Environment, Trigger.
The first one – WEAPON – means that each weapon must be treated as loaded until its state is verified. In the case of our shooting range, with few exceptions, it is done by the instructor, so our guests do not have to worry about it.
The second – BARREL – means that the muzzle of the weapon must be directed only in a safe direction. The only such direction at the shooting range is the so-called bullet trap, which is where the targets hang. It is the responsibility of the client to comply with this rule, although the instructor will control it at all times and will reprimand the person holding the firearm if necessary.
Third – ENVIRONMENT – awareness of what is happening around you is also important. Pay attention that no one is in front of the shooting line, that all those present are wearing ear and eye protection and are ready to shoot. This is another of the rules that the instructor deals with and he lets the client know if he can start shooting.
Fourth – TRIGGER – we return to the responsibilities of the shooter, who must ensure that his finger is not on the trigger of the weapon until he is ready to fire. After receiving the weapon and the signal to start shooting from the instructor, you should align the sights on the target and put your finger on the trigger. If a weapon malfunction occurs during shooting or the shooter has any questions or doubts – first remove your finger from the trigger, and then turn your head to the instructor, all the time pointing the weapon towards the target.

OHS at the shooting range
The so-called “shooting leader” is responsible for safety and order on the range. This is a special course entitlement that every person working on the shooting range as an instructor must have. It allows you to manage shooting and give orders to shooters.
There are also other safety rules at the shooting range, which are taken care of only by employees. At Cracow Shooting Academy, there is one instructor per shooter. There is also a ban on communicating with people shooting at the moment and vice versa. If there are two of you, you will get one instructor and you will take turns shooting.
Accompanying persons, whether there’s two of you or a stag party of 30 people, are waiting for their turn behind the red line. There is also a ban on communicating with people shooting at the moment and vice versa. This is to avoid distracting the shooter and unconsciously breaking the four cardinal rules.
Each of the people present at the shooting range must be equipped with ear and eye protection to protect these senses from damage and ensure the comfort of staying in the shooting area. The sound of the shot is well over 140 decibels and is harmful to hearing, and flying shell casings can damage the unprotected eye.

Other security measures
If, by some miracle, the aforementioned ones failed, all Cracow Shooting Academy instructors are trained in the principles of first aid. This is especially true of gunshots and dealing with their consequences.
Our shooting range is also equipped with several specialized first aid kits containing professional shooting range safety kits for this purpose. hese contain, among others, certified tourniquets, hemostatic dressings, and dressings for sucking chest wounds.
We are also proud of our extensive ventilation and fire extinguishing systems, which, upon detection of an open fire, will automatically suppress it and draw harmful fumes from the room. In addition to the automatic system, there are a dozen or so manual fire extinguishers in well-marked containers throughout the shooting range.

As can be seen from the above article, Cracow Shooting Academy puts the safety of its clients and instructors as an absolute priority. Thanks to this, no serious accident happened during the entire activity of the company. The responsibility also rests with you, our potential clients – so listen to the instructors and follow the safety rules, which you will be familiarized with before starting the shooting. But remember to have fun!